Saturday, August 1, 2009

My 6 month old Golden Retriever eats things he isn't supposed to. Last week I found one of my h

his poop when I was cleaning the yard before I mowed, and yesterday I found my 6 year old son's sock in his poop!!! What can I do to make him stop eating things like this? I buy him things to chew on, that are safe for him, but he picks up anything and puts it in his mouth. I know this is VERY dangerous for him, which is why I am asking advice on how to get him to stop. Thanks.

My 6 month old Golden Retriever eats things he isn't supposed to. Last week I found one of my hair bands in

Young dogs are like toddlers, they'll eat anything. And, like with a toddler, the only "cure" is to keep stuff out of his reach.

My 6 month old Golden Retriever eats things he isn't supposed to. Last week I found one of my hair bands in

oppps!! i answered the wrong question. i didnt mean to say 'get a sharpei.......' sorry sorry. i had two windows opened and i wrote in the wrong one! sorry! Report It

My 6 month old Golden Retriever eats things he isn't supposed to. Last week I found one of my hair bands in

just watch him more. 6 month's are not adults, they are still considered puppies even though they act like an adult dog. treat him like a puppy still!

My 6 month old Golden Retriever eats things he isn't supposed to. Last week I found one of my hair bands in

make sure there is nothing he can eat in his reach. then train him to eat what he should.

My 6 month old Golden Retriever eats things he isn't supposed to. Last week I found one of my hair bands in

You are right, these can be very dangerous because they can become obstructed in the gastrointestinal tract. The best thing you can do is keep things picked up and don't let the dog out of your site. When you aren't able to watch him you need to keep him in his crate. There really isn't any other way to keep him from eating things that he isn't supposed to be eating. It may just be a phaze and he'll get over it or it may just be a lifetime fascination. Keep your eye on him, when you catch him with something he's not suposed to have you need to take it away and say no firmly. Good luck

My 6 month old Golden Retriever eats things he isn't supposed to. Last week I found one of my hair bands in

First, make sure ANYTHING he shouldn't get ahold of is put out of his reach: shoes in closets, clothes in hampers or drawers, pens in drawers, remotes on top of cabinets, etc.

Watch him like a hawk. If you aren't able to keep an eye on him, confine him to a crate or one room. Make sure he has something really good to chew on (food-stuffed Kong, rawhide bone, Nylabone).

Golden Retrievers were bred to carry things in their mouths, so they are prone to this. He won't outgrow it - he needs to be taught what he is allowed to chew on and what he isn't.

My 6 month old Golden Retriever eats things he isn't supposed to. Last week I found one of my hair bands in

My dog used to eat socks too when he was a puppy but he grew out of it. Just make sure you don't leave anything that he could eat within his reach until he grows out of it.

My 6 month old Golden Retriever eats things he isn't supposed to. Last week I found one of my hair bands in

get a sharpei!! they're medium sized and sooo cuteee!

My 6 month old Golden Retriever eats things he isn't supposed to. Last week I found one of my hair bands in

You need to dog proof your house. Make sure there is nothing dangerouse he can get into. Put all of your toxic chemicals out in the garage.

My 6 month old Golden Retriever eats things he isn't supposed to. Last week I found one of my hair bands in

don't put anything near it

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