okay rididng the bus so totally meeses my hair up. it makes it dry up, and makes it go in all different diresctions, and gets kinky, and gets nots.i see like these other girls and there hair is like perfect still, they just run their finfer through their hair, and bam its perfect again. how can i acheive that without hairspray?
just to let you know what i have is:
*CHI flat iron
*Got2b Heatactivated spray creme stuff(orange bottle,pink top)
*Tons of different shampoos
* and well pretty much everything you would need.
so what are your tips and tricks to acheive it?(=
PS: WE ARE N-O-T ALOUD tO WEAR HATS! and i dont really like head bands that much /=
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Have you tried the "Phyto 'Phytodefrisant' Botanical Hair Relaxing Balm"?. If you haven't, you should. This thing is the only thing I'll use on my hair after a shower or so. It's almost works as an anti-frizz (hence the name), but it won't weigh your hair down, give you static %26amp; best of all, you won't know you're using it. All you get is natural hair. It lasted me about 9 mths. I just ran out like 2 weeks ago, but I'm definitely getting more soon.
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i have the same problem!
i guess what works best is use a flat iron on it and put it in a ponytail when you're on the bus. that's what works for me anyways...
it helps to keep a comb or brush with you, too.
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Moisturize it... I like sebastian potion 9.
maybe put it in a pony tail for a little.
The little combs they sell at Claire's help, too. BAM. There ya go.
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i have frizz problems so i use anti frizz serum,it works wonders.
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dont use the heat activated spray cream stuff.
it is putting a layer of junk on your hair and it will onl work for a short time
wash your hair right before school blow dry it until almost completly dry leave it a teensy bit damp
then straighten
spray some hair spray on your hands and rub them together run them over top of your hair
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First of all don't put that Heat activated stuff in your hair, it only adds build up. Blow dry your hair then you should look at buying another hair strainer. I have a Infiniti conair one that works great! It has different temps that I can choose from. It goes all the way up to 395 degrees. Check it out at Walmart. They run about $60. Don't put hairspray in your hair!
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Alright. first of all... DON'T SIT BY THE WINDOW .
and second.. if the girls who have 'perfect hair' can run there fingers through there hair.. there not using hairspray.
So lets start in the shower. When you use conditioner...use about the size of a nickel, rub it between your hands and start working it through your hair below your ears.. then once you've got most of it off your hands.. run your fingers through the hair on top of your head. Let it sit for about a minute (constantly running your fingers through your hair to make sure its even) then rinse it out. Then when you get out of the shower... brush your hair then apply some straightening creme the same way you applied conditioner.. brush your hair again to make sure its even. Next blow dry your hair with either a paddle brush or any flat brush pointing the blowdryer down ONLY, once again your constantly brushing your hair.
Once its dry, straighten it with a ceramic straightener.
Once again ... constantly brush your hair to ensure maximum straightness. once your done... maybe apply a tiny spritz of herbal essences 'set me up' hair spray. then brush once more. i hope this helps... it sure worked for me the other day.. and though other girls' hair may look perfect... it still could be very knotted.. so don't stress if your hair gets a little knotty... chances are it still looks great!
*have fun
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straighten your hair as always. then put it in a loose ponytail or bun before you get on the bus. when you get off the bus take your hair down and it should be bouncy without being frizzy. hope this helps [=
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braid it when ur travelling in the buss!!!!
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